Qtp Script to find the number of occurences of a char in a string-VB Script to find the number of occurences of a char in a string-QTP Scripts for beginners-VB Script

Qtp Script to find the number of occurences of a char in a string

str="hellllllllo all"


For i=1 to len(str)


If char="l" Then


End If


Msgbox counter

qtp script to display string vertically-vb script to display string vertically-QTP Scripts-VB Scripts and QTP-QTP Examples-QTP

qtp script to display string vertically

a = "Lakshmi"


For i = 1 to x

b = b & vbnewline & Mid(a,i,1)


Msgbox b

Qtp Script to add an image to excel sheet-Qtp Script to insert an image into excel worksheet

Qtp Script to insert an image into excel worksheet

Set Excel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

 Excel.Visible = True

 Set workbook = Excel.WorkBooks.Open("C:\abc.xls") 

Set worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(1)


QTP Script to delete all the worksheets except for the first worksheet-VB Script to delete all the worksheets except for the first worksheet

QTP Script to delete all the worksheets except for the first worksheet

 Set Excel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

 Excel.Visible = True

 Set Workbook = Excel.Workbooks.Open("C:\qtp.xls")

 i = Workbook.Worksheets.Count

 Do Until i = 1


 i = i - 1


QTP Script to get name of all worksheets of an excel sheet-VB Script to get name of all worksheets of an excel sheet

QTP Script to get name of all worksheets of an excel sheet

 Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

 objExcel.Visible = True

 Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:\qtp.xls")

 For Each objWorksheet in objWorkbook.Worksheets

 Msgbox objWorksheet.Name


Qtp Script to download attachments from outlook emails-VB Script to download attachments from outlook emails

Qtp Script to download attachments from outlook emails

Set a = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

Set b = a.GetNameSpace("MAPI")

Set c = b.GetDefaultFolder(6)

For each item in C.Items

if item.unread then

For each att in item.attachments

FileName="C:\Email Attachments\" &att.FileName

att.saveasfile FileName


End if


QTP Script to read mails from inbox of outlook application-VB Script to read mails from inbox of outlook application

QTP Script to read mails from inbox of outlook application

Set a = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

Set b = a.GetNameSpace("MAPI")

Set c = b.GetDefaultFolder(6)

For each item in C.Items

if item.unread then

msgbox item.body

End if


QTP Script to get count of number of junk emails in outlook application-VB Script to get count of number of junk emails in outlook application

QTP Script to get count of number of junk emails in outlook application

Set a = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

Set b = a.GetNameSpace("MAPI")

Set c = b.GetDefaultFolder(23)


Qtp Script to add an image to Ms Word Document-Qtp Script to insert an image into MS Word Document

Qtp Script to insert an image into MS Word Document

Set a = CreateObject("Word.Application")

a.Visible = True

Set b = a.Documents.Open("C:\qtp.doc")

Set c = b.Shapes


QTP Script to Find and Replace a Text in MS Word Document-Qtp Script to Replace a string in word document with another string

QTP Script to Find and Replace a Text in MS Word Document

set a=createobject("Word.Application")


set b=a.Documents.open("C:\qtp.doc")

For i = 1 To b.words.Count

b.words.Item(i).Text = Replace(b.words.Item(i).Text, "Qtp", "Quick Test Pro")


QTP Script to Count Number of Times a Word Appears in a Text File-VB Script to Count Number of Times a Word Appears in a Text File

QTP Script to Count Number of Times a Word Appears in a Text File

Const ForReading = 1

Set fso = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )

Set textFile = fso.OpenTextFile( "C:\qtp.txt", ForReading )

contents = textFile.ReadAll


Set rgxp = New Regexp

rgxp.Pattern = "QTP"

rgxp.IgnoreCase = True

rgxp.Global = True

Set matches = rgxp.Execute( contents )

Msgbox "Count = " & matches.Count

QTP Script to get type of file-VB Script to get type of file

QTP Script to get type of file

Set a = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set b = a.GetFile("C:\qtp.doc")

Msgbox b.Type

QTP Script to get size of folder-VB Script to get size of folder

QTP Script to get size of folder

Dim a,b

Set a = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set b = a.GetFolder("C:\QTP")

Msgbox b.size

QTP Script to get size of a text file-VB Script to get size of a text file

QTP Script to get size of a text file

Dim a,b

Set a = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set b = a.GetFile("C:\qtp.txt")

Msgbox b.size

Qtp script to get count of number of words in Ms Word Document-VB Script to get count of number of words in Ms Word Document

Qtp script to get count of number of words in Ms Word Document

set a=createobject("Word.Application")


set b=a.Documents.open("C:\qtp.doc")

Msgbox "Number of Words = "& b.words.count

QTP Script to append an existing text file-VB Script to append an existing text file

QTP Script to append an existing text file

set a=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

set b=a.OpenTextFile("C:\qtp.txt",8)

b.WriteLine "New Text Added"

QTP Script to add a new line at the beginning of a text file-QTP Script to append a new line at the beginning of a text file

QTP Script to add a new line at the beginning of a text file-QTP Script to append a new line at the beginning of a text file

Const ForReading = 1

Const ForWriting = 2

fileName = "C:\qtp1.txt"

Set fso = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )

Set textFile = fso.OpenTextFile(fileName, ForReading )

contents = textFile.ReadAll


firstLine = "New Line Added"

newContent = firstLine & vbCrLf & contents

Set textFile = fso.OpenTextFile( fileName, ForWriting )

textFile.WriteLine newContent

QTP Script to append an existing MS Word document at the end of document-VB Script to append an existing MS Word document at the end of document

QTP Script to append an existing MS Word document at the end of document.

set a=createobject("Word.Application")



a.Selection.EndKey 6,0

a.Selection.TypeText "new text added at end"


QTP Script to Find and Replace Text in a Text File-VB Script to Find and Replace Text in a Text File

QTP Script to Find and Replace Text in a Text File

Const ForReading = 1

Const ForWriting = 2

Set fso = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )

Set textFile = fso.OpenTextFile( "C:\qtp.txt", ForReading )

Text = textFile.ReadAll


NewText = Replace( Text, "abc", "QTP")

Set textFile = fso.OpenTextFile( "C:\qtp.txt", ForWriting )

textFile.WriteLine NewText

QTP Script to append an existing MS Word document at the beginning of document

QTP Script to append an existing MS Word document

set a=createobject("Word.Application")



a.Selection.TypeText "new text added"


QTP Script to create Sub Folder within Folder-VB Script to create Sub Folder within Folder

QTP Script to create Sub Folder within Folder

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")


Set fso1 = fso.createfolder("C:\Folder\SubFolder1")

Msgbox("Folder and Subfolder Created")

QTP Script to open an existing MS Word document-VB Script to open an existing MS Word document

QTP Script to open an existing MS Word document

set a=createobject("Word.Application")



Sorting Data in Microsoft Excel through QTP-QTP Script to Sort Data in excel sheet in Descending Order

Sorting Data in Microsoft Excel through QTP-QTP Script to Sort Data in excel sheet in Descending Order

Const xlDescending = 2

Const xlYes = 2

Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

objExcel.Visible = True

Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:\qtp.xls")

Set objWorksheet = objWorkbook.Worksheets(1)

Set objRange = objWorksheet.UsedRange

Set objRange2 = objExcel.Range("A1")

objRange.Sort objRange2,xlDescending, , , , , , xlYes

QTP Script to set the width of first column of an excel sheet-VB Script to set the width of first column of an excel sheet

QTP Script to set the width of first column of an excel sheet

dim a,b,c

set a=createobject("Excel.Application")


set b=a.workbooks.open("C:\QTP.xls")

set c=b.worksheets(1)


QTP Script to set the Height of first row of an excel sheet-VB Script to set the Height of first row of an excel sheet

QTP Script to set the Height of first row of an excel sheet

dim a,b,c

set a=createobject("Excel.Application")


set b=a.workbooks.open("C:\QTP.xls")

set c=b.worksheets(1)


QTP Script to copy one excel sheet data to other excel sheet-VB Script to copy one excel sheet data to other excel sheet

QTP Script to copy one excel sheet data to other excel sheet

Set excel=createobject("excel.application")


Set workbook1=excel.Workbooks.Open("C:\qtp1.xls")

Set workbook2=excel.Workbooks.Open("C:\qtp2.xls")





QTP Script to get count of unread mails in outlook-VB Script to get count of unread mails in outlook

QTP Script to get count of unread mails in outlook

Set a = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

Set b = a.GetNameSpace("MAPI")

Set c = b.GetDefaultFolder(6)


QTP Script to add line numbers to MS Word document-VB Script to add line numbers to MS Word document

QTP Script to add line numbers to MS Word document

dim a

set a=createobject("Word.Application")


set b=a.Documents.open("C:\qtp.doc")

b.PageSetup.LineNumbering.Active = TRUE


QTP Script to add Underlined text to MS Word document-VB Script to add Underlined text to MS Word document

QTP Script to add Underlined text to MS Word document

dim a

set a=createobject("Word.Application")




a.selection.font.name="Times New Roman"

a.Selection.Font.Underline = 1



QTP Script to Highlight First Row of an excel sheet-VB Script to Highlight First Row of an excel sheet

QTP Script to Highlight First Row of an excel sheet

dim a,b,c
set a=createobject("Excel.Application")
set b=a.workbooks.open("C:\QTP.xls")
set c=b.worksheets(1)
c.Rows(1).Interior.ColorIndex= 6

QTP Script to Highlight First C0lumn of an excel sheet-VB Script to Highlight First Column of an excel sheet

QTP Script to Highlight First Column of an excel sheet

dim a,b,c
set a=createobject("Excel.Application")
set b=a.workbooks.open("C:\QTP.xls")
set c=b.worksheets(1)
c.Columns(1).Interior.ColorIndex= 6

QTP Script to Highlight a cell in excel sheet-VB Script to Highlight a cell in excel sheet

QTP Script to Highlight a cell in excel sheet

dim a,b,c
set a=createobject("Excel.Application")
set b=a.workbooks.open("C:\QTP.xls")
set c=b.worksheets(1)
c.Cells(1,1).Interior.ColorIndex= 6

QTP Script to change first cell font text to bold of an excel sheet-VB Script to change first cell font text to bold of an excel sheet.

QTP Script to change first cell font text to bold of an excel sheet.

dim a,b,c

set a=createobject("Excel.Application")


set b=a.workbooks.open("C:\QTP.xls")

set c=b.worksheets(1)




QTP Script to add bold text to word document-VB Script to add bold text to word document

QTP Script to add bold text to word document

dim a

set a=createobject("Word.Application")




a.selection.font.name="Times New Roman"




QTP Script to Add Formatted Data to a Spreadsheet-QTP Script to change first cells font size,font name of an excel sheet

QTP Script to change first cells font size,font name of an excel sheet or QTP Script to Add Formatted Data to a Spreadsheet

dim a,b,c

set a=createobject("Excel.Application")


set b=a.workbooks.open("C:\QTP.xls")

set c=b.worksheets(1)



C.Cells(1,1).Font.Name="Times New Roman"


qtp script to get name of nth worksheet of an excel sheet-vb script to get name of nth worksheet of an excel sheet

qtp script to get name of nth worksheet of an excel sheet

dim a,b

set a=createobject("Excel.Application")


set b=a.workbooks.open("D:\abc.xls")

Msgbox b.sheets(1).Name

qtp script to get count of worksheets in an excel sheet-vb script to get count of worksheets in an excel sheet

qtp script to get count of worksheets in an excel sheet

dim a,b

set a=createobject("Excel.Application")


set b=a.workbooks.open("D:\abc.xls")

Msgbox b.sheets.count

QTP Script to get count of number of drafts,number of sent mails,number of emails in Outbox and number of deleted items in outlook application

QTP Script to get count of number of drafts in outlook application

Set a = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

Set b = a.GetNameSpace("MAPI")

Set c = b.GetDefaultFolder(16)


QTP Script to get count of number of sent mails in outlook application

Set a = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

Set b = a.GetNameSpace("MAPI")

Set c = b.GetDefaultFolder(5)


QTP Script to get count of number of emails in Outbox of outlook application

Set a = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

Set b = a.GetNameSpace("MAPI")

Set c = b.GetDefaultFolder(4)


QTP Script to get count of number of deleted items in outlook application

Set a = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

Set b = a.GetNameSpace("MAPI")

Set c = b.GetDefaultFolder(3)


QTP Script to read the entire contents of a text file-VB Script to read the entire contents of a text file

QTP Script to read the entire contents of a text file

Dim a,b

Const ForReading = 1

Set a=CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )

Set b=a.OpenTextFile( "C:\qtp.txt",1)

Msgbox b.Readall

qtp script to read first few characters of a text file-vb script to read first few characters of a text file

qtp script to read first few characters of a text file

Dim a,b

Const ForReading = 1

Set a=CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )

Set b=a.OpenTextFile( "C:\qtp.txt",1)

Msgbox b.Read(5)

qtp script to read first line of a text file-vb script to read first line of a text file

qtp script to read first line of a text file

Dim a,b

Const ForReading = 1

Set a=CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )

Set b=a.OpenTextFile( "C:\qtp.txt",1)

Msgbox b.Readline

qtp script to insert blank lines into text file-vb script to insert blank lines into text file

qtp script to insert blank lines into text file

Dim a,b

Set a=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set b=a.CreateTextFile("c:\qtp.txt", True)



b.WriteLine ("helloooo")


qtp script to read last line of a text file-vb script to read last line of a text file

qtp script to read last line of a text file

Dim a,b,c

Set a = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set b = a.opentextfile("C:\qtp.txt", 1)

i = 0

Do While b.AtEndOfStream <> True

c = b.ReadLine

i = i + 1


MsgBox c

QTP Script to count number of lines in a text file-VB Script to count number of lines in a text file

QTP Script to count number of lines in a text file.

Dim a,b

Const ForReading = 1

Set a=CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )

Set b=a.OpenTextFile( "C:\qtp.txt",1)


Msgbox "Number of lines= " & b.Line

QTP Script to get count of number of mails in outlook application-VB Script to get count of number of mails in outlook application

QTP Script to get count of number of mails in outlook application

Set a = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

Set b = a.GetNameSpace("MAPI")

Set c = b.GetDefaultFolder(6)


QTP Script to display Message Box Text in Multiple Lines-VB Script to get message box text in multiple lines

qtp script to get message box text in multiple lines

MsgBox ("Line1" & vbCrLf & "Line2" & vbCrLf & "Line3" & vbCrLf & "Line4" & vbCrLf & "Line5")

Output -


QTP Script to get version of Outlook-VB Script to get version of Outlook

QTP Script to get version of Outlook

dim a
set a=createobject("Outlook.Application")

QTP Script to open Outlook -VB Script to open Outlook

QTP Script to open Outlook

dim a,b,c
Set a = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set b = a.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set c=b.GetDefaultFolder(3)
Msgbox("Outlook Opened")

QTP Script to sort excel sheet column-VB Script to sort excel sheet column

QTP Script to sort excel sheet column

dim a,b,c,d
set a=createobject("Excel.Application")
set b=a.workbooks.open("D:\abc.xls")
set c=b.worksheets(1)
set d=c.usedrange

QTP Script to delete first two columns data of excel sheet-VB Script to delete first two columns data of excel sheet

QTP Script to delete first two columns data of excel sheet

dim a,b,c,d
set a=createobject("Excel.Application")
set b=a.workbooks.open("D:\abc.xls")
set c=b.worksheets(1)

QTP Script to copy one worksheet data of Excel Sheet to other worksheet-VB Script to copy one worksheet data of Excel Sheet to other worksheet

QTP Script to copy one worksheet data of Excel Sheet to other worksheet

dim a,b
set a=createobject("Excel.Application")
set b=a.workbooks.open("D:\abc.xls")

Creats copy of sheet1 in new excel worksheet

QTP Script to Change(Move) worksheets position of Excel Sheet-VB Script to Change(Move) worksheets position of Excel Sheet

QTP Script to Change(Move) worksheets position of Excel Sheet

dim a,b,c
set a=createobject("Excel.Application")
set b=a.workbooks.open("D:\abc.xls")

QTP Script to delete top two rows of excel sheet-VB Script to delete top two rows of excel sheet-QTP-Excel Sheet

QTP Script to delete top two rows of excel sheet

dim a,b,c
set a=createobject("Excel.Application")
set b=a.workbooks.open("D:\abc.xls")
set c=b.worksheets("sheet1")

QTP Script to delete worksheet of Excel Sheet-VB Script to delete worksheet of Excel Sheet-QTP Scripts-Excel Sheet

QTP Script to delete worksheet of Excel Sheet

dim a,b
set a=createobject("Excel.Application")
set b=a.workbooks.open("D:\abc.xls")

QTP Script to rename Excel Worksheet-VB Script to rename Excel Worksheet-QTP-Excel Sheet-Excel Sheet-QTP

QTP Script to rename Excel Worksheet

dim a,b
set a=createobject("Excel.Application")
set b=a.workbooks.open("D:\abc.xls")

QTP Script to add new worksheet to Excel Sheet -VB Script to add new worksheet to Excel Sheet-QTP -Excel Sheet

QTP Script to add new worksheet to Excel Sheet

dim a,b,c
set a=createobject("Excel.Application")
set b=a.workbooks.open("D:\abc.xls")
set c=b.sheets.add

QTP Script to send mails from outlook to multiple persons-QTP Script to send mails from outlook to more than one person-QTP Scripts

QTP Script to send mails from outlook to more than one person

dim a,b
set a=createobject("Outlook.Application")
set b=a.createitem(0)
MsgBox("Mail Sent To All")

QTP Script to send email with an attachment through Outlook-VB Script to send email with an attachment from Outlook

QTP Script to send email with an attachment from Outlook

dim a,b
set a=createobject("Outlook.Application")
set b=a.createitem(Mail)
b.attachments.add"C:\Documents and Settings\lakshmi\Desktop\qtp.txt"

QTP Script to close Outlook-VB Script to close Outlook-QTP and Outlook-VB Script and Outlook

QTP Script to close Outlook

First Open Outlook and run the below script

dim a

set a=createobject("Outlook.Application")


MsgBOx("Outlook Closed")

QTP Script to send mail from outlook-VB Script to send mail from outlook

QTP Script to send mail from outlook

dim a,b
set a=createobject("Outlook.Application")
set b=a.createitem(Mail)

Qtp Script to display Time in different formats-VB Script to display Time in different formats

Qtp Script to display Time in different formats

Dim a

Output-4:33:08 PM

Dim a


QTP Script to display date in different formats-VB Script to display date in different formats

QTP Script to display date in different formats

Dim a


Dim a

Output-Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Dim a


QTP Script To Get Abbreviated Name of Current Month-VB Script To Get Abbreviated Name of Current Month

QTP Script To Get Abbreviated Name of Current Month

Dim a


QTP Script To Get Abbreviated Name of Month-VB Script To Get Abbreviated Name of Month

QTP Script To Get Abbreviated Name of Month

Dim a


Dim a


QTP Script To Get Abbreviated Name of Current Weekday-VB Script To Get Abbreviated Name of Current Weekday

QTP Script To Get Abbreviated Name of Current Weekday

Dim a




QTP Script To Get Abbreviated Name of Weekday-VB Script To Get Abbreviated Name of Weekday

QTP Script To Get Abbreviated Name of Weekday

Dim a


Dim a


QTP Script to Get Last Modified Date and Time of a Folder-VB Script to Get Last Modified Date and Time of a Folder

QTP Script to Get Last Modified Date and Time of a Folder-VB Script to Get Last Modified Date and Time of a Folder

How to get Last Modified date and time of a particular folder?

Dim a,b,c

Set a = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set b = a.GetFolder("C:\QTP")

c= "Folder was Last Modified on: " & b.DateLastModified


QTP Script to Get Accessed Date and Time of a Folder-VB Script to Get Accessed Date and Time of a Folder

How to get Last Accessed date and time of a particular folder?

Dim a,b,c

Set a = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set b = a.GetFolder("C:\QTP")

c= "Folder was Accessed last on: " & b.DateLastAccessed


QTP Script to Get Created Date and Time of a folder-vb script to get Created Date and Time of a folder

QTP Script to get folder created time

Dim a,b,c

Set a = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set b = a.GetFolder("C:\QTP")

c= "Folder was Created on: " & b.DateCreated


above script displays created date and time of qtp folder,which is in C Drive.

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